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Eco-Humanities Seminar Series

27 Apr 2022
Eco-Humanities Seminar Series 2022

The Eco-Humanities Seminar Serier for 2022 begins on Thursday 5 May at 17:00

  1. Alexander J. B. Hampton, Assistant Professor of Religion at the University of Toronto.

Realist Ontology and the Aesthetics of Nature: Methexis, Mimēsis and Poiēsis as a Return to Nature | Thursday 5th May, 17.00-18.15


  1. Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo

Homogenising effects of globalisation on biological and cultural diversity |Thursday 19th May, 17.00-18:30


  1. Freya Matthews, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Philosophy at Latrobe University

To decolonize nature we need ‘a story about feeling ’ |Thursday 2nd June, 17.00-18:15 (pre-recorded lecture with live Q&A)


Please note that all times are Irish Time and these sessions will all take place via Zoom.

To register for any or all of these events, simply follow this link:

Future Humanities Institute

Institiúid na nDaonnachtaí Feasta

O’Rahilly Building ORB 2.20.,
