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Linking the Food Chain

3 Jan 2019

The Food Institute UCC is a new institute encompassing the wide range of food-related activity within UCC and represents the biggest concentration of food-related resources in the State. It brings together top tier researchers and educators in a dynamic, cross-disciplinary research environment with a strong industry focus on delivering innovative science and technologies.

Article pulled from Dairy Ireland - Advertorial


The Food Institute links world-class education and research with industry. Its mandate is to provide UCC's many stakeholders with a single point of access to world experts and the most current research.

Interests span food science and technology, nutritional sciences, food engineering, food business, food and health, food microbiology and aspects of biological, earth and environmental sciences.


FI director, UCC Pres and Paul Ross

Food has always been a critical part of the university's identity, beginning with the foundation of the Dairy Science Faculty in 1924. This faculty has been the cornerstone of the Irish agri-industry for over 90 years. During that time, UCC has produced world-class graduates in areas of food and dairy technology, including numerous industry

leaders, both in Ireland and around the world. Key to our success has been the continuous evolution and expansion of activities in food Science, Engineering and Food research and education, culminating in the recent announcement of

our new agriculture degree in conjunction with Teagasc.


Food Institute Director Jim Corbett says: "UCC has the broadest and deepest food research programmes on the island of Ireland. The external environment is constantly evolving. At a national level, the Government's Food Harvest 2020 and Food Wise 2025 strategies will significantly increase the volume and value of Irish food exports, and highlights the role of research in delivering these goals. I am determined that The Food Institute UCC will play its role in delivering

these ambitious targets."

The Food Institute

Room 354 A-D, Food Science and Technology Building, College Road, University College Cork ,
