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UCC launches new qualification for dairy industry

12 May 2016
Pictured (l-r) at the launch: Dr Dan O’Callaghan, Wyeth Nutritionals Ireland Limited; Dr Seamus O’Mahony, UCC; Professor Paul McSweeney, UCC, Dr Mark Fenelon, Teagasc.

UCC has launched a new postgraduate qualification aimed at supporting the further education and training needs of people working in the dairy industry. 

Ireland is the 10th largest dairy export nation globally, exporting 85% of all output produced. Butter, cheese, and dairy-derived products such as yogurts and dairy-based drinks have now been complemented with dairy ingredients including milk-fat, milk protein, and other nutritional ingredients to cater to markets including infant formula and sports nutrition.

In recognition of the growth and diversification of the Irish dairy industry, UCC, in association with Teagasc, has developed a part-time, blended-learning (a mix of online and in-class sessions) Postgraduate Certificate in Dairy Technology and Innovation. 

Modules include milk production and quality, dairy chemistry, trends and dynamics across dairy markets, dairy processing technology, dairy microbiology and business processes across the supply chain.

The development of this innovative new programme draws on UCC’s 90 years of experience in dairy science education, Teagasc’s dairy research expertise and industry needs.

In line with the development of a knowledge economy, the qualification will enable dairy industry personnel and those wishing to join the industry to implement best practice and embrace new technological developments in dairy processing.

For further information, contact Professor Paul McSweeney, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, on 021 490 2011 or

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
