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Faculty of Food Science and Technology University College Cork: A History by Prof. Patrick F. Fox

6 Jan 2017
Professor Patrick Fox - Emeritus Professor of Food Chemistry

University College Cork (UCC) is celebrating its proud tradition of teaching and research in Dairy and Food Science over the last nine decades.  As part of this celebration, Professor Patrick F. Fox has written a book ‘Faculty of Food Science and Technology University College Cork: A History’, which provides a description of the history of the Dairy/Food Science Faculty at UCC since 1924 and how it came into being during the turbulent period from 1880 to 1926.  

The focus is on the events leading to the establishment of the Faculty, its physical facilities, course programmes and the staff involved.  The book is based on a lecture presented by Pat Fox at the 34th Annual Food Science & Technology Research Conference at UCC in 2004, to mark the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Dairy Science at UCC and will be of interest to all past graduates of UCC and to those working in the Irish food industry.

Pat graduated from UCC in 1959 with a 1st class Honours degree in BSc Dairying and went on to graduate with a PhD from Cornell University in 1964.  He was appointed Professor of Food Chemistry in 1969.  He retired in December 1997 and is now Emeritus Professor of Food Chemistry – but he continues to be active in research.  He has authored or co-authored over 570 research and review papers and authored or edited over 25 text books on dairy chemistry.  He has been invited to present both nationally and internationally, is the recipient of numerous international awards in recognition of his work.  He was awarded the DSc on published work by the NUI in 1993 and is held in the highest esteem by his colleagues worldwide. 


The book will be launched by the President of UCC, Dr. Michael Murphy, on Thursday 12 January 2017 at 18:00 in the Aula Maxima, UCC. 

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
