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RESONATE - Final Year Performances in Firkin Crane

20 Feb 2018

Due to severe weather conditions the performances on 1st, 2nd and 3rd March had to be cancelled. 

The first RESONATE performance is now scheduled for Sunday, 4 March, 8 pm, Firkin Crane. Updates will follow regarding lunchtime performances during the week from 5 - 9 March.

Ticket Prices: €10 full, €8
Tickets available at the box office, or on 021 - 4507487
Online and phone bookings subject to per ticket fee, €1 Firkin Crane restoration levy included in ticket price

Three 30 minute pieces of theatre presented by Final Year Students from the Department of Theatre, UCC.

The Gardens by Broken Brooms Theatre Company

Humans have a tendency to forget about connection; we have become so self-absorbed with our own problems, our own lives; we fail to see each other, and ourselves, for what we really are.
We are creating this piece to reflect on ourselves as humans. Why we work a certain way, why we treat each other the way we do, what we can do to better ourselves as people, as a society, as individuals.

Come to me by Aquarium

Undine is the girl from the sea, Bertie is trying to figure who to be. The world becomes land and the world becomes sea. Both blurring the lines between reality and fantasy....

Are You Sure? by Threaded Theatre Productions

Are You Sure? is a four-woman ensemble piece of theatre. It is adapted from The Paradise of Children by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which tells the story of Pandora's Box. The piece explores the decisions that modern women in Ireland have to make, the resulting consequences, and the hope that is discovered through them.
Contains mature themes. 


Final Year Students from the Department of Theatre, UCC are presenting their brand-new, self-led adaptations at the Firkin Crane from Thursday 1st - Saturday 3rd March. The work emerges from a module entitled Final Year Performance Project, a 20-credit module (DR3013). The students' task is to form self-selected companies, choose a short prose text from the literary canon and adapt it for a 30-minute piece of theatre. The stories this year's final year students have chosen to adapt are: Kew Gardens by Virginia Woolf, Undine by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, and The Paradise of Children, a version of Pandora's Box by Nathaniel Hawthorne. They have chosen the title of RESONATE for their show as all of these stories resonate for them with the reality of our 21st century world, and all of their pieces somehow resonate with each other. As these newly formed theatre companies have been creating their devised adaptations, they have studied and wrestled with Linda Hutcheon's A Theory of Adaptation, which claims that 'adaptation has run amok' and rejects the notion of fidelity to the original as a measure of the validity and success of the adaptation. The original text becomes a pretext for devising and the final result may or may not be 'faithful' and may not even attempt to re-tell the story. A fragment may be taken and expanded, or a theme questioned, or the story told from a different perspective. Part of the task, however, is that the adaptation should work as a piece of theatre in its own right and make sense both to an unknowing audience (that is, those who have no prior knowledge of the adapted story), as well as to a knowing audience. The latter should find pleasure in the variations and deviations from the story they are familiar with. Although the pieces are being assessed as part of the students' degree programme, RESONATE is also designed to showcase the original work of new, emerging theatre makers.

For more on this story contact:

Fionn Woodhouse

Lecturer in Applied Drama

Drama and Theatre Studies

School of Music and Theatre

University College Cork

Tel | 021-4904359

E |

Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
