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Perforum presents Professor David Pattie: Samuel Beckett: Other Archives

14 Mar 2017
Research Theatre UCC Cork Chester

Samuel Beckett: Other Archives


22nd March: Professor David Pattie, Professor of Drama at the University of Chester



Samuel Beckett: Musicality, Making, and Other Archives 

Wednesdays 6:00 pm – 7:45 pm. Theatre Development Centre, Triskel Christchurch, Tobin Street, Cork.

Perforum events are open to the public and admission is free.

Over the past two decades, Beckett scholars have examined the archives of his work, which are held in various centres –  the University of Reading, Trinity College Dublin, and the Harry Ransom Centre in Austin. These archives have been very useful in illuminating aspects of Beckett's creative practice that would otherwise have remained obscure. However, there are other ways to use these archives: the Staging Beckett project (2012 – 2015), for example, used archival material to discover the relation between Beckett and post-WW2 theatre in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. In this lecture, Professor Pattie will talk about two uses of this material and will draw general conclusions about the use of archival material in the study of Beckett's work. 


Professor David Pattie is Professor of Drama at the University of Chester. He is the author of The Complete Critical Guide to Samuel Beckett (Routledge 2001), Rock Music in Performance (Palgrave 2007) and Modern British Playwriting: The 1950s (Methuen 2012). He has co-edited (with Sean Albiez) two volumes on popular music (Kraftwerk: Music Non Stop (2010) and Brian Eno: Oblique Music (2016). He has published widely on contemporary British theatre, contemporary Scottish theatre, Samuel Beckett, popular music and popular culture. 


Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Theatre and Performance Practice

Drama & Theatre Studies, School of Music and Theatre, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork

For more on this story contact:


Dr. Bernadette Cronin

Drama & Theatre Studies

School of Music and Theatre

University College Cork

Tel.: +353 21 4904070


Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
