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Perforum presents Katy Dymoke - THURSDAY 18th 6pm

4 Oct 2018

18th October 2018 - Theatre Development Centre, Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St, Cork.
‘Working with touch and movement in arts and health’
Katy Dymoke - Teacher and Practitioner in Body-Mind Centering, Embody Move Program Director, Body Oriented Psychotherapist and director of Touchdown dance theatre company

Perforum Autumn 2018 'Inclusivity and the Performing Arts'
Perforum events are open to the public and admission is free.

Note Day Change to THURSDAY 18th at 6pm 

Touch and Movement underlie our learning from childhood and are the base line senses for relating and communicating with others and the world around us. With this in mind touch and movement methods are effective for all levels of ability to access arts practice in diverse contexts. Katy will share this in an experiential way and offer theoretical underpinning. Over the past three decades Katy has been developing touch and movement methods from the legacy of Steve Paxton (and Touchdown Dance) and as the program director of the Body-Mind Centering training program UK. BMC provides useful tools for inclusive practice and touch is an essential aspect requiring careful and considered practice. Through her talk Katy will integrate these methods in performance contexts and in arts in the community, education and health projects.

Katy Dymoke has been teaching BMC in the UK since 1997 and on other European programs. She integrated BMC into her practice as a Dance Movement Psychotherapist in the NHS where she was a specialist in touch and non-verbal methods in adult learning disability services for 9 years. Currently working with children and adults in education and health settings and in private practice. She has presented at conferences, and has published her writing on touch based working methodology and integrated dance. Katy is completing a PhD on the impact of touch in Movement Psychotherapy and BMC. Katy established the Body-Mind Centering certification programs in the UK and Poland, she believes in the innate intelligence of the body, and the application of BMC in therapeutic contexts and research. As a professional dancer and director of Touchdown Dance Katy creates dance theatre and film. Touchdown Dance is unique for integrating blind and sighted dancers in a professional touring and workshop company based in Contact Improvisation. Collaborating with musicians, actors and dancers for 30 years, she has been an advocate for integrated arts practice.

Perforum events are open to the public and admission is free.

Presented by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Theatre and Performance Practices and Drama and Theatre Studies, School of Music and Theatre, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork.
Coordinators of Perforum Events and Talks: Bernadette Cronin & Róisín O’Gorman

For more on this story contact:

Dr. Róisín O'Gorman

Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
