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Perforum Conference 2017 - Body Activities

4 Jun 2017
Perforum Conference 2017 - Body Activities

Practice-as-research at the intersection between embodied practice and theory.

19th & 20th June in Drama & Theatre Studies, UCC

A collaboration between

Drama and Theatre Studies Department, UCC, School of Music and Theatre, UCC
Cork Midsummer Festival
The Triskel Arts Centre
The Guest House (

The presence of the body as a source of knowledge in/as practice and performance is increasingly becoming a subject of inquiry among practitioners and scholars alike. Nowadays it seems that technology is threatening to eclipse the body and disembody it from the immediacy of sensing, connecting to others, communicating, expressing the self, and thus making it into an objective body. This conference aims to help to reinstate the body, place it back under the spotlight, and create a bespoke safe place for it under the wings of an academic research framework.

We would like to open up this ‘place’ to body-centred researchers, whose focus is on embodied practice in/as performance, to those who would like to contribute to Body Activities fields of study such as Performance Art, Physical Theatre and Dance.

Conference Registration is now open at

Keynote Speaker & Participatory Performance: Amanda Coogan

Coogan pushes the boundary of the physical body to its absolute limit, drawing on themes of repetition, endurance and, ultimately, exhaustion. There is a requirement on the part of the audience to be willing to engage with and understand that there are other forms of communication at work here besides the contested medium of verbal language. Coogan’s work delivers a different type of language, equally legitimate as a form of communication (Brenda O’Connell, The Art of Exhaustion in Amanda Coogan’s Performance Art)

Irish Performance Artist Amanda Coogan will lead an exploratory performance event with a group of participants in the historic Shandon Quarter Area, where the Firkin Crane Home of Dance is located. She will also give a keynote address to the conference on her embodied practice and will open up aspects of her recent PhD research project (2013) entitled: Deconstructing and Re-constructing Instances of Live Durational Performance Art: Yellow-Reperformed.


Full Conference Schedule

Perforum Postgraduate Conference 2017
Body Activities
Practice-as-research at the intersection between embodied practice and theory
19th & 20th June
Drama & Theatre Studies
School of Music and Theatre

1-Monday BODY ACTIVITIES I: WORKSHOPS (45 mins) 9:30am-12:15pm
Venue: The Drama Lab (Connolly Building, Western Road, Cork)
REGISTRATION 9am The Drama lab
Chair: Dr. Bernadette Cronin, Drama & Theatre Studies, UCC

9:30am Cathy Walsh: SpoonTalk: Intimacy, Communication and Time
10:30am Colleen Bartley: The Small Dance/The Stand
11:30am Jack Beglin: Flights of Stillness: Embodying Now

2-Monday BODY ACTIVITIES II & III: PAPERS (20 mins) 1:45-4:45PM
Venue: Conn B seminar Room (Connolly Building, Western Road)
Chair: Leslie Burton, MRes, PhD Candidate, DTS, UCC.

1:45pm Dr. EL Putnam: The Aesthetic of Interruption: Navigating the Maternal through
Performance Practice.
2:05pm Dr. Finola Cronin & Dr. Ríonach Ní Néill: Knowledge and Dance: Case Study
Corp-Real | Galway Dance days 2012-2017.
2:25pm Dr. Óscar Mascareñas: Sound in the Logic of Movement.
Break (15mins)

Chair: Leanne Foxwell, MRes, DTS, UCC.

3:15pm Paulina Bronfman Collovati: Migrante: The embodiment of transition.
3:35pm Dr. Gert Hofmann: Writing the Body and the Touch of the World.
3:55pm Heather Dorgan: The Significance of the Body in the Performance Art of Amanda

Meeting Place for participants, The Guesthouse, 10 Chapel St., Shandon area, Cork.
Post-performance ‘Tapas’ at The Guesthouse. Booking necessary!

4-Tuesday 10:30am-11:30am KEYNOTE AMANDA COOGAN & 12pm-1pm
Q&A led by Jools Gilson (Professor of Creative Practice, Head of School of Music &
Theatre, UCC) at the Geography Lecture Theatre (across from The
Glucksman Gallery, UCC Main Campus).

5-Tuesday 4pm-6pm Amanda Coogan: Long Now Film, Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St., Cork. The film will be presented by Kirstie North, Department of Art History, UCC
(Tickets €6 from Triskel Arts Centre Box office)

For more on this story contact:

Inma Pavon

Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
