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Student Insights - Jack O'Leary is Found

9 Apr 2019
UCC theatre student Jack O'Leary performing in FOUND

"I had never self-devised before doing the module and it has been immensely beneficial for me, as it has inspired me to consider self-devising more pieces."

My latest performance was our show for the Theatre of the Image module (DR2027).

It was called Found: Images, Objects and Things and took place in the Kino on Washington Street.

Poster for Theatre of the Image performance Found


My piece was called Behind a Prayer. My classmates and I created our own solo performance pieces, based on the work of theatre practitioners; Tadeusz Kantor, Pina Bausch and Robert Wilson.

My classmates and I worked on our pieces since we commenced the second semester. The module offered a new useful aspect of theatre to me; self-devising. It is one of the main reasons I am glad I chose this module. I had never self-devised before doing the module and it has been immensely beneficial for me, as it has inspired me to consider self-devising more pieces.

Student of Theatre of the Image Jack performing in FOUND


The module not only enabled us to self-devise our own work but to learn about different works of practitioners and their techniques. We were all assisted by our module coordinator, Marie Kelly, who gave us highly beneficial feedback and suggestions about our pieces.

We had many guest lecturers who worked with or were influenced by the theatre practitioners we studied for our module, and helpful workshops based on; movement, space in performance, and creative writing.

Objects used in Theatre of the Image performance Found

We were also assisted by Final Year Theatre students who provided the technical aspects of our performances, as part of one of their modules. To perform my piece and to see my classmates perform their pieces live on stage felt magical.

Of course, I was nervous before performing my piece live in front of an audience, as I am sure a lot of my classmates were too. I would be worried if I wasn’t at least a little nervous! All the hard work we put in was reflected by our performances.

This performance meant a lot to me. I felt proud of all my classmates, lecturers and myself for all the work we put in.

Theatre of the image students having fun at a workshop

I do feel a little sad as our class, since first year, who are like a second family to me, will be separated as some of my classmates will be going abroad for a year for the International option, and some are staying in Ireland.

However, I am looking forward to making new friends when the students who went abroad last year, will be in my year for Final year.


Jack O’Leary

2nd Year Theatre and English Student, UCC.

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For more details on the course see, Theatre and Performantive Practices 

Contact for information on Student Insights

Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
