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Perforum Conference 2018

13 Jun 2018

20th - 21st June 2018
Postgraduate Arts Practice Research Conference 2018

In the Theatre Lab, UCC

The Department of Theatre, University College Cork, is pleased to announce a one day conference of papers and round-table discussion for (post-graduate) scholars and practitioners with an interest in practice and research in the field of dramaturgy and contemporary theatre. 

Questions we are posing in order to open up discussion around contemporary cutting-edge dramaturgical practices and the role of dramaturge in contemporary theatre include:

Why does the dramaturge not need to be a playwright?

What creates spaces and techniques of theatrical imagination in the context of a dramaturge’s work?

What is the relationship between theatre and the literary text?

How do dramaturgical strategies manipulate narratives to reflect and represent them in a multidisciplinary context?

Our Keynote Speaker is Dr Piotr Gruszczyński – theatre critic, dramaturge and co-programmer at Nowy Teatr, Warsaw. He has collaborated with Krzysztof Warlikowski on numerous productions: (A)pollonia, Un tramway (co-production with Odeon Theatre, Paris), The End, African Tales by Shakespeare, Kabaret Warszawski, The French, and Phedres (Odeon Theatre, Paris). He is author of the first analysis of new Polish theatre (Ojcobójcy, 2002) and a book-interview with Warlikowski (Szekspir i uzurpator, also translated into French and Romanian). He also collaborates with opera director Mariusz Treliński and lectures at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. He is a member of the editorial boards of „Dialog“ (Warsaw) and „Ubu“ (Paris). The title of Dr Gruszczyński’s keynote is: ‘Adaptation, Multi-channel Adaptation and Adaptation as Installation’.


Other speakers include: 

Hanna Slättne

Pamela McQueen

Dr. Alicja Bral

Dr. Anthony Barron

Paul McNamara 


Full details at

Registration at


This is a free event. 

For more on this story contact:

Patricia Klich (IRC Scholar and PhD candidate)


Dr Bernadette Cronin


Department of Theatre

Muskerry Villas

Western Road

University College Cork

School of Film, Music and Theatre

An Scoil Scannánaíochta, Ceoil agus Amharclannaíochta

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh, College Road, Cork, T12 K8AF
