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11:00 AM, 21 Feb 2019 - , O'Riada Hall

Lecture - Karen Power [Queen’s University Belfast] - Re-Hearing the Score

Lecture: Re-Hearing the Score

A versatile, enthusiastic and well-received Irish composer, improviser, educator and curator Karen Power seeks to stimulate, engage and interact with audiences. Her work utilizes two primary sources; acoustic instruments and everyday sounds, spaces and soundscapes. Her output is diverse - both in its approach and delivery - and her primary aim is to capture and translate the essence of an idea through any artistic means necessary. For example, recent projects have been presented as orchestral works, sonic installations, radio art, collaborations between sound and dance, image and experimental film, free improvisations and musical happenings.

Everyday environments and how we hear everyday sounds lies at the core of her practice with a continued interest in blurring the distinction between what most of us call ‘music’ and all other sound. She has found inspiration in the natural world and how we respond to spaces we occupy. She continually utilizes our inherent familiarity with such sounds and spaces as a means of engaging with audiences. Resulting works challenge the listeners’ memory of hearing while simultaneously shifting focus and presenting new contexts for such sounds.

Some exciting current and upcoming projects include; ‘Gorging Limpet’, which is a collaborative project between sound and experimental film, The Arctic Circle Residency, ‘hearSpace’ (2014) - an exploration into the world of Radio with an interactive radio art composition, ‘sounds of time and place’ (2015) a large-scale collaborative commission for Canadian-based Quatour Bozzini, ‘where lost weight is found’ (2013) for Andrew Zolinsky and a DAAD Artist-in- Berlin Award for 2015/16 residency.

‘is it raining while you listen’ is Karen Power’s debut CD released in 2014 with Farpoint Recordings ( )


Free. Organised by FUAIM

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Department of Music

Roinn an Cheoil

T23 HF50
