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FUAIM Concert - Marja Gaynor & David Power, 10th December, 1.10pm, Live Stream

10 Dec 2021

Two virtuosic exponents of two different musical styles explore the edges and affinities of baroque, traditional Irish and flamenco, in a high-octane programme of new arrangements and improvisations. 

Marja Gaynor – violin/viola 

David Power – uillean pipes 


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Finnish Baroque violinist Marja Gaynor and uilleann pipe master David Power met during Camerata Kilkenny's "Piper and the Fairy Queen" project - a celebration of the meeting of traditional and baroque music. Inspired by the tensions and affinities between those different genres they developed a duo set for the Kaleidoscope Night concert series in March 2020, and were delighted by the audience's response to their high octane intersplicing of different styles and backgrounds. In deepest lockdown, they invited guitarist John Walsh, who had also performed at the same Kaleidoscope Night, to join the group, bringing his insights from the flamenco tradition to the mix. The trio premiered their new set at the Finding a Voice festival in Clonmel in March 2021, and have since honed their unique sound at Masters of Tradition festival in Bantry, Baltimore Fiddle Fair and Triskel Christchurch. They are currently preparing new material, supported by Music Network's RESONATE residency. 

Department of Music

Roinn an Cheoil

T23 HF50
