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Call for Entries

1 May 2015

The Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival honours the pioneering spirit of a great film maker and advocate for social change.

The fifth annual CCCFF will take place in August 2015 in the beautiful village of Waterville on the Ring of Kerry in the South West of  Ireland. The festival includes a hugely entertaining range of events, screenings, workshops and Chaplin themed street entertainment and much, much more.
The deadline for the Charlie Chaplin Film Festival Competition is quickly creeping up.  1st June 2015

The Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival honours the pioneering spirit of a great film maker and advocate for social change.

The fifth annual CCCFF will take place in August 2015 in the beautiful village of Waterville on the Ring of Kerry in the South West of  Ireland. The festival includes a hugely entertaining range of events, screenings, workshops and Chaplin themed street entertainment and much, much more.
"The deadline for the Charlie Chaplin Film Festival Competition is quickly creeping up.  1st June 2015

We will accept:
• Live action and animation films
• All forms of film comedy
• Good humour and laugh out loud films
• Documentaries"
This festival has a special award for student filmmakers and accepts films other than comedy so it's well worth checking out..

Department of Film and Screen Media

Scannánaíocht agus Meáin Scáileán

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
