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Richmount Cordial Company features on Nationwide with their multi-award winning Elderberry Cordial

14 Sep 2021
Martina and David Burns, Richmount Cordial Company

Mary Fanning from the Nationwide team on RTE visited a farming family who have diversified away from beef and tillage, into producing a flower from which they produce a cordial.  The Nationwide team visited this Longford farm where elderflowers are the crop.  The show is available on the RTE Player, under Nationwide 13 September 2021.

In January 2013, Martina and David Burns took a leap of faith and formed Richmount Cordial Company, planted 920 elder saplings and are now producing small batches of award-winning elderflower cordial.

We are so proud of Martina, who completed the Diploma in Speciality Food Production, here at FITU.

You can see their story on their website at



Richmount ElderberryThe cordial is made from pure, natural ingredients without any concentrate or artificial sweeteners, flavourings, additives, colourings, or sulphites.  They manage the trees without using herbicides or pesticides. 

Elderflowers have traditionally been associated with cold and flu remedies. They haven’t explored the scientific evidence for this so they make no claims for Richmount Elderflower Cordial’s medicinal value. However, it is a natural refreshing drink, sustainably harvested and produced with minimum processing. Richmount Cordial Company hope you enjoy the best of what Mamma Nature has to offer and if you experience health benefits, let’s just consider them an added bonus!​


Martina and David Burns Richmount Cordial Company

Food Industry Training Unit

University College Cork , Western Road, Cork
