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Policy simulation modelling to inform national carbon budget pathways

Carbon budgets are emerging as a key policy tool to set cumulative targets on greenhouse gas emissions at a national and international level. In this paper, we develop a methodology for simulation modelling of energy demand and carbon dioxide (CO2eq.) emissions to assess the implication of different scenarios on sectoral emissions ceilings and carbon budgets. We demonstrate how this simulation modelling approach to carbon budgets applies to Ireland's Climate Action Bill, which sets a legal obligation to keep within defined sectoral emission ceilings.


Vera O'Riordan, Tomas Mac Uidhir, Fionn Rogan

Journal Name
Energy Strategy Reviews
Journal Article
Policy Simulation, Carbon Budgets, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sectoral Emission Ceilings, Biofuel, EVs


Full Citation

O'Riordan, V., Mac Uidhir, T. and Rogan, F. (2023). Policy simulation modelling to inform national carbon budget pathways. Energy Strategy Reviews, [online] 50, p.101237. doi:

Link to Publication
Policy simulation modelling to inform national carbon budget pathways - ScienceDirect


Carbon budgets are emerging as a key policy tool to set cumulative targets on greenhouse gas emissions at a national and international level. In this paper, we develop a methodology for simulation modelling of energy demand and carbon dioxide (CO2eq.) emissions to assess the implication of different scenarios on sectoral emissions ceilings and carbon budgets. We demonstrate how this simulation modelling approach to carbon budgets applies to Ireland's Climate Action Bill, which sets a legal obligation to keep within defined sectoral emission ceilings.

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
