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Car Stock Model

Irish Car Stock Model V 2.4

Latest release of the Irish Car Stock Model Version 2.4

The Irish Car Stock Model was first developed by Prof Hannah Daly and Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir (2011a), entitled "Modelling private car energy demand using a technological car stock model", and is available at Modelling private car energy demand using a technological car stock model - ScienceDirect.

Futher scenarios were explored in Daly and Ó Gallachoir (2011b), entitled "Modelling future private car energy demand in Ireland", and is available at Modelling future private car energy demand in Ireland - ScienceDirect.

Further updates to the Irish Car Stock Model were developed by Mulholland et al. (2017), the article entitled Techno-economic data for a multi-model approach to decarbonisation of the Irish private car sector - ScienceDirect

The latest update compiled by Vera O'Riordan, Hannah Daly, Fionn Rogan and  Brian Ó Gallachóir.

Included in this repository is the latest version of the Irish Car Stock Model 2.4, current updates to the Irish Car Stock Model V2.5 are ongoing. 

For queries, errors and omissions please contact


The following files:

  • Irish Car Stock Model Version 2.4.xlsx
  • Irish Car Stock Model Workshop Presentation.
  • Licence.

are available as part of the vor115384876/ download.

Additional Details


  • Daly, H. and Ó Gallachóir, B., 2011. Modelling private car energy demand using a technological car stock model. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16(2), pp.93-101.
  • Daly, H. and Ó Gallachóir, B., 2011. Modelling future private car energy demand in Ireland. Energy Policy, 39(12), pp.7815-7824.
  • Mulholland, E., Rogan, F. and Gallachóir, B., 2017. Techno-economic data for a multi-model approach to decarbonisation of the Irish private car sector. Data in Brief, 15, pp.922-932.

Related Works

Further Access

Energy Policy and Modelling Group

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork, Ireland T23 XE10 ,
