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Writer in Residence Workshop

7 Sep 2021

UCC writer-in-residence Eimear Ryan will run a workshop this semester for staff and students who would like to work on their creative writing, whether it be fiction, creative non-fiction or memoir. The workshop will take place on Tuesday evenings at 6pm, from 28 September to 30 November (in person!). Places are limited so if you’re interested in participating, please email a sample of your work (max 2000 words) to, with WORKSHOP in the subject line, by COB on Friday 17 September.

The workshop will be ideal for writers who are looking to take steps towards publication, and are comfortable in a peer review setting. Over the course of the workshop, each participant will have a sample of their work discussed in-depth. The group will also study extracts from published work, using them as a jumping-off point to explore the various elements of writing: ideas, first lines, voice, characterisation, setting and dialogue. The workshop will conclude with advice on revising, submitting, and publishing.


Eimear Ryan’s debut novel Holding Her Breath is published by Penguin Sandycove. She is a co-founder of the literary journal Banshee and its publishing imprint, Banshee Press. Her short fiction has appeared in Granta, The Dublin Review, The Stinging Fly, and the anthologies The Long Gaze Back and Town & Country. She is a sports columnist with the Irish Examiner and is currently working on a book about women in sport.



English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
