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Review of 'A History of Modernist Poetry' Ed. Alex Davis & Lee M. Jenkins

5 Apr 2017

Extremely positive assessment of this 'fine book' by Ian Brinton

A History of Modernist Poetry was published in 2015 by Cambridge University Press, and is edited by the School's Prof. Lee Jenkins (Head of School) and Prof. Alex Davis. This review by Ian Brinton draws attention to the fundamental questions which the book sets out to address, and singles out several contributors for particular praise.

The review opens with the statement "I have rarely come across a readable, engaging and infectious introduction to the world of Modernist Poetry…until NOW." The full review can be read here.

Congratulations to Prof. Davis and Prof. Jenkins.

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
