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Public Reading by Billy Ramsell

18 Nov 2014

4th December, 6 PM, Boole 1.

The School of English, UCC, in collaboration with the Munster Literature Centre, invite you to a public reading given by Billy Ramsell.

Billy Ramsell was born in Cork in 1977 and educated at the North Monastery and UCC. He held the Chair of Ireland Bursary in 2013, and has been shorlisted for several other prizes. He edits the Irish section of the Poetry iIternational website and recently judged the Shine Strong award for best first collection by an Irish poet.

He has published two collections with Dedalus press, Complicated Pleasures in 2007 and The Architect's Dream of Winter in 2013, which was shortlisted for the Irish Times Poetry Now Award. He lives in Cork where is co-runs an educational publishing company.

All welcome! Admission free and no booking necessary.  


English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
