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PhD Researchers to Represent the School at Translations Conference

13 Mar 2017

Three of the School's postgraduate researchers to present in Vienna this week

The XI Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages is being held in the Institute for Medieval Research in Vienna this week, on the theme of Medieval Translations & and Their Readership. The conference is organised by the Editorial Board of The Medieval Translator series (Brepols); the ERC Grant 'Origins of the Vernacular Mode'; and the COST Action 1301: 'New Communities of Interpretation' at the Institute for Medieval Research - Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Three of the School's postgraduate researchers are presenting and representing the School of English at this international conference:


Patricia O'Connor, 'Biblical Apocrypha: The Role of the Harrowing of Hell Episode in the Margins of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 41' (Thursday 16 March, 9:00)

Niamh Kehoe, 'Crowd Control: The South English Legendary and the Revival of Vernacular Writings' (Friday 17 March, 14:15)

Alison Killilea, 'Adaptation as Translation: Beowulf in the Modern Era' (Saturday 18 March, 11:15)


We wish them the very best of luck!


More information (and abstracts) can be found here

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
