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Launch of Autonomy, Edited by Kathy D'Arcy

9 Mar 2018

Thursday 19 April 2018, 5:00pm, O'Rahilly Building, School of English Social Area




The School of English Welcomes you to the launch of Autonomy, Edited by Kathy D'Arcy.


- a book about taking our selves back -

What is bodily autonomy?

What does it feel like when it's taken away?

This is a women-led collection of stories, poems, memoirs, essays and more exploring what it means to have bodily autonomy. Read it if you don't understand why no-one should ever be forced to stay pregnant against their will. Read it if you do understand, and would like to be part of the change.

Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to support those working to ensure that all women have access to the full range of reproductive healthcare, including safe legal abortion.

“This collection of thoughts, curated by Kathy D’Arcy, helps us to understand and to celebrate our self determination – and to fight until women truly have what is due to all people: the right to decide.”

- Ann Furedi, BPAS Chief Executive and author of The Moral Case for Abortion(Palgrave McMillan 2016)

For more, see:



English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
