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Graham Allen features in the new Poetry Ireland Review no 118 Edited by Vona Groarke, entitled The Rising Generation.

22 Apr 2016

Graham Allen features in the new Poetry Ireland Review no 118 Edited by Vona Groarke, entitled The Rising Generation. This special issue of Ireland’s foremost poetry journal brings together thirty-six new Irish poets, defining “new” as  someone who has had a first collection book or pamphlet published within the last five years. Each featured poet was asked to submit two original poems and to complete a questionnaire created by the editor. One of Graham’s two poems, ‘Sydney Park, Spring 2015’ has also been selected as one of Poetry Ireland’s featured poems for Poetry Day on 28th April.  

To download a poster of Graham’s poem go to the Poetry Ireland website at .  Both poems featured in The Rising Generation issue of PIR are included in Graham Allen’s new collection, The Madhouse System to be published by New Binary Press in July.


English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
