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Fiction Workshop with Writer in Residence Danny Denton

27 Sep 2019

UCC writer-in-residence Danny Denton will be offering a workshop this autumn for any students or staff of the university who are interested in working on their writing of fiction.


The workshop will take place each Thursday evening (5.30 – 7.30 pm), from October 10th to November 28th. In each session, participants will look at work by published authors in the first hour and peer review each other’s work in the second hour. The idea is that your writing will be looked at in-depth, while you also hone the tools of your craft by reading and learning from published fiction.The workshop will take a tool-based approach, looking at how writers might approach aspects of the craft like character, dialogue, setting, voice, etc. The course should be useful to writers at any level/stage of their writing, and is open to all students and staff of the university (except those already taking the MA in Creative Writing).


If you are interested in taking part, please email a short (max. 5 pages) sample of your fiction to Danny Denton by Friday 4th October 2019. Send your email to and please put UCC FICTION WORKSHOP in the subject box. If not on email, hand it in to the English Dept. for the attention of Danny Denton. Spaces are limited so selection will be made based on your writing sample and any note you want to leave with it about your interest in fiction/the workshop.



If a workshop doesn’t suit you, Danny is also available to offer advice & encouragement during his office hour of 2 – 3 pm each Thursday.Danny shares an office with Leanne O’ Sullivan so, if you'd like to call in and talk about writing for a bit, you can find him at Room ORB 1.77 (O’ Rahilly Building) during that time each Thursday. 

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
