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Dr Orla Murphy Shortlisted for the National Teaching Expert Awards

8 Dec 2015

Our colleague in Digital Humanities will go forward to the next stage of this prestigious teaching and learning award

As stated in the T&L press release, the National Teaching Experts awards are the second of two forms of learning impact awards co-ordinated at a sectoral level by Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

It aims to identify expert teachers who are models for excellence in teaching and whose knowledge about learning impact is strong and evidence based.  Nominations for Teaching Experts submitted by their institutions have undergone a rigorous assessment process by an international Teaching Experts Panel.  A total of 35 nominations were received and the standard of submissions was testimony to the excellent work going on across higher education institutions. On the basis the Panel’s intensive assessment the following nominations have been short-listed to go forward to Stage 2.

We are delighted that Dr Orla Murphy joins ten other expert teachers in the individual shortlistees category, and wish her the very best of luck with the award.

Full details can be found here

Dr Murphy's profile can be found here

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
