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Carmel Winters appointed Film Artist in Residence at UCC

11 Sep 2014

Role jointly funded by UCC and the Arts Council


Award-winning story-teller and writer/director Carmel Winters has been appointed Film Artist in Residence (Screenwriter) at UCC 2014-15, the first such role to be funded nationally. 

The Film Artist in Residence role is jointly funded by University College Cork (UCC) and the Arts Council, and is offered in association with the Cork Film Festival. It seeks to provide a screenwriter of distinction with a unique opportunity to develop his/her practice in a university environment while offering students the opportunity to engage with a practising artist in a meaningful way during their studies.

During her residency Carmel Winters will provide lectures and workshops to students taking the BA in Film and Screen Media at UCC and will participate in a public event at the Cork Film Festival in November.

Fionnuala Sweeney, Head of Film at the Arts Council, comments: “The Arts Council wishes to congratulate Carmel on becoming the first Film Artist in Residence at UCC. She is a uniquely talented film artist with an original and singular voice who brings a keen insight to difficult subjects in her work. We hope that the residency will provide her with the time to further develop her practice in the creative and supportive environment offered by UCC.”

Professor Caroline Fennell, Head of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, UCC, said: “This exciting appointment of the first Film Artsist in Residence represents our ongoing commitment in UCC to ensuring that our students have an opportunity to engage with and be inspired by distinguished artists in a range of creative fields. We look forward to welcoming Carmel Winters to our community.”

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
