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Applications now open for PhD studentships

11 Jun 2013

PhD studentships 2013-14                       

Applications are invited for fixed-term studentships from suitably qualified candidates who wish to undertake a PhD in the School of English, starting October 2013, and also from PhD Track/PhD students currently registered with the School of English. 

New entrants should already have applied for PhD study through PAC.

PhD studentships 2013-14                       

Applications are invited for fixed-term studentships from suitably qualified candidates who wish to undertake a PhD in the School of English, starting October 2013, and also from PhD Track/PhD students currently registered with the School of English. 

New entrants should already have applied for PhD study through PAC.


(i)  A PhD studentship of €10,060 per annum covering PhD EU fees and an additional stipend, funded in the first instance for one year, with the possibility, budgets permitting, of renewal for a further two years, subject to the holder’s satisfactory progress as reviewed yearly by the School Graduate Studies Committee.


(ii)  A PhD studentship of €5,770 per annum covering PhD EU fees, funded for 1 year, with the possibility, budgets permitting, of renewal for a further two in total, also subject to the holder’s satisfactory progress as reviewed yearly by the School Graduate Studies Committee.


For full information and details of how to apply please consult this document PhD Scholarships

English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
