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7 Reproductive Justice and Disability

30 Apr 2021

At this online workshop, we were delighted to welcome the RE(al) Productive Justice Team from NUIG (Professor Eilionoir Flynn, Dr Jenny Dagg, Dr Aine Sperrin and Maria Ni Fhlatharta) to speak to the ELPIN membership about their work with a presentation entitled "Insights on reproductive justice using a disability rights lens". 

Disabled people are often denied the right to make reproductive decisions, including decisions about fertility, contraception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. In many countries, there are specific laws criminalising sex with disabled people. There are also higher rates of sterilisation, and forced abortion among disabled women and girls than non-disabled women.  THe RE(al) project will explore the legal regulation and the real life experiences of disabled people in Ireland in making reproductive decisions and disabled people will be invited to tell their stories of making, or being denied the opportunity to make, reproductive choices for themselves. 

More information about the RE(al) project can be found at 

Ethics, Law and Pregnancy in Ireland Network
