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4 Experiences of Fatal Foetal Anomaly

18 Sep 2020

This workshop (the third online offering for ELPIN members) took place on the 18th September 2020.  The main session was delivered by Dr Keelin Donoghue, Consultant Obstetrician, and research colleague Dr Sarah Meaney, both from the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre/CUMH/UCC.  The pair presented a series of short papers and abstracts covering a range of issues relating to the 'Experience of Fatal Foetal Anomaly'.  

As our other guest speaker was unfortunately unable to attend at short notice, the group also heard from two visiting scholars who were guests at the seminar about their research areas - Professor Christine Davis from UNC Charlotte, and Professor Joanna Mishtal from University of Central Florida.

Ethics, Law and Pregnancy in Ireland Network
