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Wind data sources

23 Apr 2019

A collection of wind data sources in the public domain. Updated November 2023.

Wind Speed & Direction Data

  • Wind Resource Assessment Group -  comprehensive repository of wind data:
  • - another large array of wind resource data from Denmark and other countries, compiled by DTU. Some wind turbine generation data and structural response data also. Registration is required and not all data is free.
  • Egmond aan Zee offshore wind farm data -- c. four years of meteo data and other useful information  from a wind farm site off the Dutch coast.
  • FINO 1,2,3 masts in the North Sea -- meteo data from three different sites available for several years. Registration required. Database here.
  • Wind data discoverable via OpenEI - a wide range of wind maps, wind resource data for many countries
  • Orsted provides meteorological data including LiDAR from its offshore windfarms Westermost Rough (UK) and Anholt (Denmark). Free, registration required.
  • ESRL NOAA datasets (including reanalysis from NCEP and ERA-Interim) available via this portal
  • Met Éireann (Irish Meteorological Agency) historic hourly surface wind speed and direction data available here.
  • Met Éireann also offers access to hourly wind forecasts via an API.
  • High time resolution wind speed & direction data recorded by LiDAR at multiple vertical levels at UCC.
  • Renewables Ninja - global wind and solar resource and generation data site

Wind Generation Data

  • Bonneville Power Administration (USA) - transmission data, wind generation, meteo data, historic wind forecasts
  • Eirgrid - historic total wind generation, interconnection flows, forecasts and other transmission system level data from Ireland. Open access, no registration required.
  • Irish wind generation, market and forecast data also available from SEMO , see post here for details. Registration required.
  • Elia (Belgian TSO) - offers aggregated wind generation (onshore/offshore and by region) over several years.
  • The utility ENGIE supplies wind generation and nacelle wind speed and direction data for "la Haute Borne" wind farm in France. Some other data such as pitch angle, power factor, rotor speed are available.

PV Resource & Generation Data

Electricity and Environment Laboratory

Renewable energy and land-atmosphere interactions research
