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I-SEM generator unit ids for the Irish electricity market

16 Nov 2020

SEM-O publishes lists of generator units (GU ids) on the Integrated Single Electricity Market.

Up-to-date lists are published every few weeks here. Download the most recent "IE CLAF Publication" document from this page:


See the previous post on how to use the GU id to cross-reference a particular generator and extract metered generation data for individual wind farms.

Follow these steps to obtain the metered output of any generator participating in the market:

  1. Go to the SEM-O Dynamic Market Reports page.
  2. In the "Report Name" dropdown menu select "Daily meter data"
  3. Select the "Date From" and "Date To" for the period of data you require
  4. Enter the Generator Unit id of the particular generator in the "Resource Name" field
  5. Click "Refine"

The data you requested will appear in the browser window, and you can download it as a CSV file by clicking the download icon:

The data is reported on a 30-minute interval, and the most recent three months of data are available.

SEM-O Dynamic Report Generator Form



Electricity and Environment Laboratory

Renewable energy and land-atmosphere interactions research
