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How to download legacy electricity market data from SEM-O

3 Jul 2019

The Irish Single Electricity Market Operator's website changed when the new I-SEM electricity market commenced in 2018. However, it is still possible to download historic data from the pre-2018 SEM.

A previous post discussed how to obtain the output of individual generator units on the SEM. This post describes how to download historic market information. This includes wind forecasts, wind generation, generator outputs and prices. Here, the instructions to download market prices are given.

Go to the legacy SEM-O page:


  • Market Data > Dynamic Reports
  • Report Type  : Dynamic Reporting – Tables
  • Report Group : All
  • Report: Market Results (System Load SMP and Shadow Price)

In the following screen, choose run ‘EA2’ (ex-Ante run 2)

  • From : date in mm/dd/yyyy To: mm/dd/yyyy
  • Click ‘popout report’
  • The report can be downloaded in CSV form and viewed in a text editor or Microsoft Excel

The data can be interpreted as follows:

SMP is the ‘system marginal price’ in Euro cent. The data is presented on half hourly intervals. Each ‘Delivery Hour’ has two ‘delivery intervals’. Delivery interval 1 for hour X runs from X:00 to X:30 and delivery interval 2 runs from X:30 to [X+1:00].


You can download the list of SEMO generator units from here (if the SEMO link is broken ) :

Electricity and Environment Laboratory

Renewable energy and land-atmosphere interactions research
