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News & Announcements

Rethinking Educational Disadvantage Symposium

6 Oct 2022

Dr Kevin Cahill and Dr Dan O'Sullivan participated in the launch of an Irish Educational Studies special issue on Rethinking Educational Disadvantage. The launch took place on the 6th of October in the Royal Irish Academy and was accompanied by a wonderful conference on Educational Disadvantage featuring leading academics from Ireland, the UK and the USA. Kevin and Dan's article features in the special issue and is entitled: Making a difference in educational inequality: reflections from research and practice.



The conference, special issue, and indeed this article address a very significant and enduring issue in Irish education, and one that needs persistent foregrounding if we are continue to have an impact for our most under-served students across the strata of educational provision.

The article can be accessed here:



School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
