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EKARA - Exploring Knowledge and Awareness of Reasonable Accommodations/Adjustments for ITE Students with Disabilities in ROI and NI

1 Sep 2023

On the 1st of September UCC’s New Avenues to Teaching (NAT) initiative ( will launch the project “EKARA - Exploring Knowledge and Awareness of Reasonable Accommodations/Adjustments for ITE Students with Disabilities in ROI and NI". This project is funded by SCoTENS within the 2023 Seed Funding competition. It is an innovative, collaborative project between the UCC School of Education and the Education Department at St. Mary's University College Belfast.

The project aims to investigate and raise awareness about reasonable accommodations or adjustments for students with disabilities in initial teacher education (ITE) programs. We recognize that fostering an inclusive learning environment not only benefits students but also has far-reaching implications for the future of education. The project will draw on the insights and expertise of key stakeholders, including lecturers, placement coordinators, access and support staff, co-operating teachers/ treoraithe, and students. EKARA project is closely aligned with the goals of the Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South (SCoTENS -

School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
