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Event Details (RW2020)

2:30 PM, 07 Feb 2020 - , The Granary

The Future

Event details – exact title, brief synopsis:

A play reading of ‘The Future’ by Helena Tornero, translated by Helena Buffery.

"To put oneself into the place of the other, that is the question. To find a place, a person, a group of people that you can call “home”. A place where the great adventure is not to conquer, but to co-habit, where the heroes are not conquerors, but carers. A place where more than words we find actions. Kind actions.

A place where the great adventure is to know the other."

Tickets: Free. Available via\

Artist bios:

Playwright: Helena Tornero

Helena Tornero is an acclaimed Catalan playwright, stage director,  actress, translator and teacher of playwriting who works in Spanish, Catalan, French and English.  She has authored and translated a large number of plays, including devised work in refugee settings.

Translator: Helena Buffery

Helena Buffery is based in the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, UCC, where she teaches and researches on contemporary Hispanic theatre and performance, Catalan Studies and Translation Studies.

Readers: Final Year students from Theatre and Performative Practices & MA students from Youth Arts and Sport. This reading is part of course work for the Applied Drama & Theatre: Advanced Module.

Lecturer: Fionn Woodhouse

Fionn Woodhouse is an academic, theatre-maker and facilitator of drama/theatre with particular interest in youth participation and learning through practice. He lectures with the Department of Theatre, UCC, on Applied Drama, Theatre Production, and Theatre Practice.

Free - all welcome - book via link below. Organised by Department of Theatre

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