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The Art of Equality

5 Oct 2023
The Art of Equality

The Glucksman hosted a unique tour of the University College Cork art collection this Equality Week. 

In recent years the Glucksman has commissioned new artworks for the university collection in partnership with community groups.  Glucksman Senior Curator, Tadhg Crowley took us on a fascinating guided tour of some of these works, giving us an insight into the background to the commission and the process they undertook for each.


Thje Art of Equality focussed on these commissions which have seen diverse groups engage in creative consultations with artists, sharing insights into their lives and experiences. The communities have provided the content and inspiration that enable the artist to create new artworks for the University College Cork Art Collection. 

The tour included Joe Caslin’s A Story of Home portraits created with women from Cork Migrant Centre, Ciara Roche’s A Journey I Started Alone paintings created with residents of Good Shepherd Cork, Dara McGrath’s Hidden Histories photographs that explored women’s rights with members of Mahon Community Development Project and Stephen Doyle’s The Blue Landscape painting created with members of Cork’s LGBTQ+ community including the UCC LGBT+ Staff Network.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Ionchuimsitheacht

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
