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Minister Harris Launches Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence in HEIs

27 Jan 2022
Front cover of report on sexual harassment amongst staff in HEIs

The reports on the national survey of staff and student experiences of sexual violence and harassment in Irish HEIs were launched on 27th January by Minister Simon Harris.

The minister officially published the results of the surveys on sexual violence and harassment which were issued in April 2021 to all students and staff in Irish third level education. A total of 11,417 responses were analysed (7,901 students and 3,516 staff) and inform the findings.

For more information and links to the findings (both full and summary), click here.

UCC is fully committed to the Implementation of the National Framework to End Sexual Harassment and Violence in Irish HEIs. Through its programmes and initiatives, like the UCC Bystander Intervention Programme, UCC is working with its students & staff to ensure a zero tolerance approach to all forms of unacceptable behaviour so that a campus  culture of respect, dignity and equality continues to be fostered and maintained.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Ionchuimsitheacht

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
