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Event Details

8:30 AM, 08 Mar 2019 - 2:30 PM, 08 Mar 2019, Aula Maxima, UCC

UCC Women in Law Forum


Registration for the Forum begins at 08:30 and the Forum commences at 09:00. 

After initial speeches, the first panel is 09:15 - 11:30. 

Break: 11:30 - 12:15 

Second Panel: 12:15 - 14:30. 

The Forum is central to the topic of gender equality and womens progression in the workplace. 

Two main panel discussions, entitled;
1. How Women have Contributed to Shaping The Law in Ireland Today.
2. The 'Glass Ceiling' Structural Mechanism with regards Women attaining Senior Positions in the Legal Sphere.

Integral to the Forum is an inclusive, open, environment to facillitate engaging discussion. An extensive question and answer session will take place where the panelists can discuss their thoughts amongst themselves and with audience members.

Confirmed speakers thus far include, 

Ailbhe Smyth, Dr. Myra Cullinane, Margret Martin, Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Fiona Finn and a Senior Partner tbc from A&L Goodbody. 

If attending, please register here.

Free (donations welcome) - all welcome. Organised by UCC Law Society

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Ionchuimsitheacht

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
