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Consent and Bystander at Orientation

28 Sep 2022
Active*Consent from University of Galway

The EDI Unit was delighted to work with Admissions and Bystander Intervention to bring in-person training in Active*Consent and an introduction to Bystander Intervention and the new RSVP training to all incoming undergraduate students.

Over the course of Orientation 2022/23, presentations and training were given to a total of 16 different student groups and a total of 4,073 students.

A bespoke version of University of Galway's Active*Consent training was delivered, as well as a brief introduction to Bystander Intervention and a overview of the new Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) course that is now available to all incoming students through Canvas.

Many thanks to Dr Caroline West from Active*Consent in University of Galway and Dr Celine Griffin from UCC's Bystander Intervention for their participation and facilitation of this.

The Active Consent elearning platform can be reached here.

All incoming sttudent are autoenrolled in the RSVP programme on Canvas, and the UCC Bystander Intervention Programme can be accessed here.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

Comhionannas, Éagsúlacht agus Ionchuimsitheacht

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
