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Event Details (EW2020)

11:00 AM, 05 Mar 2020 - 1:00 PM, 05 Mar 2020, O Riada Hall, Department of Music, Sunday’s Well Road

Gender Equality in Music in Ireland

Gender Equality in Music in Ireland

With Fair Plé, Sounding the Feminists & She Said So

FUAIM Lecture, Thursday 5th March, 11.00am – 1.00pm, 

 Women musicians in Ireland have begun to organise in order to advance gender equality in music and the music industry. For this panel discussion, we welcome Karen Power from Sounding the Feminists, Ciara O'Leary from FairPlé, and Shauna Watson of She Said So to discuss their activism, and the environment for women in music in Ireland.

Free - all welcome. Organised by Music Department, UCC

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