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Event Details (EW2020)

9:30 AM, 06 Mar 2020 - 1:01 PM, 06 Mar 2020, UCC Centre for Executive Education, 1 Lapps Quay

Leveraging the Power of Aurora at UCC

Aurora is a women-only leadership development programme developed by Advance-HE in the UK and Ireland in response to research which indicated that the level of women in influential and senior positions in higher education is now lower than well over 10 years ago.

UCC have been involved with the programme since the first Irish cohort was offered in 14/15. As a result of the committed and sustained engagement with the programme there are now over 100 past and current Aurorans within the institution. Whilst the individual impact of Aurora has been very positive at UCC, we now wish to support the Aurora alumni community to consider organisational impact. As a result the University is hosting a morning’s workshop for all past and present UCC Aurorans. This will focus on identifying the future focus and potential institutional impact of Aurora alumni in UCC. It will be opened by Barry O’Brien, HR Director and facilitated by Abbie McKenna of Advance HE. Deborah Sloan will also share their experiences of establishing a women’s network at Ulster University.

Speaker bio:

Abbie McKenna is Advance HE’s Head of Membership (Ireland). She began working in higher education in Northern Ireland in 2003, taking on a role as Programme Manager at Ulster University. Over the last 16 years, she has undertaken a variety of roles in Ulster University focused on supporting access to education, both through online study programmes and work based provision for employers. Laterally much of the work was focused on how to support and engage learners in the regional skills agenda through sustainable education initiatives, collaborative partnerships and representing higher education at local council economic and community planning forums. Abbie has just been awarded an MBE in The Queen’s Birthday honours in recognition her outstanding service to higher education (Feburary 2020)

Invite only. Organised by UCC Human Resources

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