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Tony Costello Award 2017

24 May 2017
Ms Li Ying Mah, Mrs Costello, Ms Eva Taaffe, Dr Robin Foyle

Many congratulations and well done to our two BDS IV Dental Students Li Ying Mah and Eva Taaffe. 

Li Ying Mah and Eva Taaffe attended the IDA Annual Conference in Kilkenny to present a poster entitled ‘Anatomical Patient Factors that Limit Orthodontic Treatment’.  The students made a great presentation and were awarded the Tony Costello Memorial Medal.  This award is based on a poster presentation on subject applicable to general dental practice and is judged on clinical usefulness, academic content, presentation and originality.

The students were supervised by Prof Declan Millet and Dr Patricia McDermott.


Cork University Dental School & Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland,
