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The inaugural Clinical Pledge Ceremony was held in UCC at the Aula Maxima recently.

17 Jan 2019
Bacheor in Dental Surgery Year III Front Row L-R Prof H Whelton, Dr G McCarthy, Dr C McCreary, Prof P O'Shea, Prof J O'Halloran, Prof C Lynch

This event was held to mark the development of the 3rd year BDS students as future dental professionals.  At UCC, BDS 3 Students commnence the journey of assuming responsibility of leading and managing care for their patients.

The event was held in the historic Aula Maxima at UCC.  Addresses were made to the students by Professor Patrick O'Shea (President of University College Cork), Dr Gerry McCarthy (President, Dental Council) and Dr Christine McCreary (Dean, Cork University Dental School & Hospital).  The event was convened Professor Chris Lynch (BDS 3 Year Lead), who invited the students to recite the Clinical Pledge.  The event was also attended by Professor John O'Halloran (Deputy President & Registrar, UCC) and Professor Helen Whelton (Head, College of Medicine & Health).

The words of the Clinical Pledge are reproduced here: 

I will: 

  • make the care of my patients my first concern
  • treat every patient politely and considerately
  • respect patients' dignity and privacy
  • listen to patients and respect their views
  • give patients information in a way they can understand; 
  • respect the right of patients to be fully involved in decisions about their care 
  • keep my professional knowlege and skills up to date
  • recognize the limits of my professional competence 
  • be honest and trustworthy
  • respect and protect confidential information
  • make sure my personal beliefs do not prejudice my patients' care
  • act quickly to protect my patients from risk if I have good reason to believe that I or a colleague may not be fit to practise
  • avoid abuse of my position as a dental professional 
  • work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients' interests

In all these matters I will never discriminate unfairly against my patients or colleagues.  I will always be prepared to justify my actions to them. 

For more on this story contact:

Prof Chris Lynch




Cork University Dental School & Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland,
