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Professor Chris Lynch awarded prestigious National Forum Teaching and Learning Research Fellowship

10 Jun 2020
Professor Chris Lynch

Congratulations to Professor Chris Lynch who has been awarded Ireland's most prestigious national individual teaching and learning award in higher education. 

Professor Lynch, Professor & Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, has been announced as a recipient of Ireland's inaugural Teaching and Learning Research Fellowships.

The fellowships, introduced by the National Forum for Teaching & Learning in partnership with the Irish Research Council, were presented to a total of five recipients from Irish universities.

Congratulating the new Fellows, Dr Terry Maguire, Director of the National Forum, gave an insight into the exciting work that lies ahead across the next 18 months.

“Fellows will work together and with the National Forum on projects of sectoral importance, bringing a new dimension to the research-led teaching and learning culture in Irish higher education, and contributing to a robust evidence base for future teaching and learning enhancement decision-making across the sector,” he said.

Prof Frank Coton (University of Glasgow), Chair of the international review panel, and international advisor to the National Forum, commented that those: “who have been awarded Fellowships are truly outstanding individuals with the potential to make significant positive impact on higher education in Ireland"


Professor Lynch is also Vice Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Dentistry. Professor Lynch received a Senior Doctorate from Cardiff University in 2019. He also achieved Principal Fellow recognition from the Higher Education Academy in 2019 - the fifth Irish-based individual to do so, and the first at UCC.


Further information on the awards and the National Forum for Teaching & Learning are to be found here:



For more on this story contact:

Professor C D Lynch DDSc, FDS  (Rest Dent) RCSI, PFHEA





Cork University Dental School & Hospital

Wilton, Cork, Ireland,
