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Two UCCDH publications recognised at Research Awards

8 Oct 2020

Two publications produced within the Department for Digital Humanities at UCC have been recognised at the recent UCC Research Awards. The UCC Research Awards programme recognises those researchers who have made exceptional and very influential research contributions, pushing boundaries, enhancing knowledge and raising the national and international profile of University College Cork.

The two publications were awarded in the "Best Publication of the Year involving an Undergraduate Student as an Author". The recipients are Rachel McCarthy, currently enrolled in the BA in Digital Humanities & Information Technology, and Patrick O'Toole, a recent graduate of the same programme.

Rachel's publication, entitled "Who Wrote Wuthering Heights?", is co-authored with Dr James O'Sullivan, a lecturer in the department. Published in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, one of the leading journals in the field of digital humanities, the study uses stylometry, a computer-assisted technique which measures the likely author of a text, to end persistent speculation around the authorship of Emily Brontë's famous novel. A shorter account of the study has been published in The Irish Times.

"I'm incredibly honoured to be receiving such an important award, and especially to have been considered amongst such an esteemed group of nominees. I am very grateful for Dr James O’Sullivan’s mentoring, guidance and support, without whom this would not have been possible," said Rachel.

Patrick's paper, published in the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), is called "Understanding Chromaesthesia by Strengthening Auditory-Visual-Emotional Associations". The study investigates the connection between auditory-visual cross-modal associations and the condition Chromaesthesia to find if associations in single musical notes and colours, and between single musical notes and emotion can be strengthened using the ad-hoc designed program called SoundStrokes. It is co-authored with Dr Donald Glowinski from the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences at the University of Geneva and Dr Maurizio Mancini from UCC's School of Computer Science and IT.

Receiving the award, Patrick commented: "I am delighted to have been nominated and to receive this award. I believe if you have the passion for your work and a question that you need answered, you will produce something meaningful and to get the recognition for the work I put into my undergraduate work is truly humbling. I would also like to congratulate Rachel on her award and for her brilliant work. The recognition of your research highlights the importance of the interdisciplinary ethos that Digital Humanities teaches and with these learnings I am continuing my research as I start my PhD in UCC as part of Advance CRT program."

Digital Humanities

Daonnachtaí Digiteacha

Room 2.22, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
