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Update on CHEMBC Project

27 Mar 2015

Presentation from Dr. Robert Healy.

Dr. Robert Healy presented his work on the CHEMBC project as part of the 2014/15 Chemistry Department Seminar Series.

CHEMBC is a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship awarded to Dr Robert Healy, funded by the European Commission. It is a 3 year project with 2 years spent at University of Toronto, Canada and the third year spent at University College Cork, Ireland. The CHEMBC project is focussed on the simultaneous measurement of the chemical and optical properties of local and regional black carbon particles in Toronto.

Download Presentation CHEMBC March 2015

Watch the presentation on our YouTube channel or click play on the video below.


Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
