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Presentation at Asthma Society Meeting

8 Dec 2014

Dr John Wenger presents work from SAPPHIRE project

Dr John Wenger gave a presentation at a meeting organised by the Asthma Society of Ireland in the Mansion House, Dublin, Wednesday 3rd December. The Asthma Society are calling for a nationwide ban on smoky coal and Dr Wenger highlighted the success of the ban currently in place in cities and large towns across Ireland. He also presented some preliminary results from a monitoring campaign currently taking place in Killarney as part of the EPA-funded SAPPHIRE project, which show elevated levels of fine particulate pollution at night due to solid fuel burning. A copy of the presentation is available for download from the CRAC Lab website.

There are also some relevant links below, including an article written by Paul Cullen, the Health correspondent for the Irish Times.

Download Presentation

Irish Times article

Other links:

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
