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CRAC Goes Global - Busan, Korea.

8 Sep 2014

CRAC Researchers in Korea.

CRAC researchers John Wenger and Robert Healy recently participated in the International Aerosol Conference in Busan, Korea. More than 1200 aerosol scientists from all over attended the event, easily making it the world’s largest aerosol conference in 2014.

Robert Healy gave two oral presentations of his recent work on particle diversity and hygroscopicity, while also presenting a poster on a new global library of single particle mass spectrometer data.

John Wenger presented some of Eoin Wilson’s work on optical and chemical properties of secondary organic aerosol. In addition to the scientific excellence on offer, Rob and John also had time to sample some of the local cuisine and culture, catch up with old friends and make new contacts.

The conference presentations can be downloaded Here.

Photos from the event are available on our Facebook Page.

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
