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Air Quality Podcasts

4 Dec 2015

Prof. John Sodeau on radio this week.

Prof. John Sodeau spoke to a number of local and national radio stations this week to discuss air quality in Ireland. Full details and download links are available below.

Date Radio Station Topic Interviewee Download Link
04/12/2015 Tipp FM Air Quality in Ireland Prof. John Sodeau Download
03/12/2015 Cork's 96 FM Incineration / Air Quality Prof. John Sodeau  Download
01/12/2015 MidWest Radio Air Quality in Ireland Prof. John Sodeau  Download
01/12/2015 Life FM Air Quality in Ireland Prof. John Sodeau  Download

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
