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Quercus Scholarships awarded to two Computer Science students

3 Apr 2017
Quercus Award Winners Undergraduate Computer Science students Eimear Crotty and Catherine Bowen with Professor Paul Ross, Head of College of Science, Engineering and Food Science

Based on their exam results, this impressive achievement is awarded to undergraduates Catherine Bowen and Eimear Crotty

On 31st March 2017, two of our Computer Science undergraduates, Catherine Bowen (Second Year) and Eimear Crotty (Fourth Year) were awarded Quercus Scholarships, based on the results of their exams from last year.  The standard for these awards is extremely high so this is an impressive achievement.  More about Quercus

On behalf of all the staff in Computer Science, University College Cork, we are very proud of our high achieving students and wish them hearty congratulations.

School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Scoil na Ríomheolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta Faisnéise

School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland
