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UCC Neuroscientists visit local primary schools for Brain Awareness Week

31 Mar 2015
UCC Neuroscientists visit local primary schools for Brain Awareness Week.

In association with Brain Awareness Week (16 – 22 March 2015), Dr. Aideen Sullivan, Dr. Yvonne Nolan, Dr. Cara Hueston and Dr. Caitriona Long-Smith visited local primary schools to engage children in fun lessons and activities in order to learn about the brain.

Children in Junior Infants in Glasheen Boys School, and in Junior and Senior Infants in Saint Finbarre’s National School learned about the five senses and the functions of the brain by participating in games of optical illusions, taste discrimination, touch discrimination, reaction times and brain charades. They also carried out experiments to reinforce how important it is to protect our brains!

Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research (

Cork NeuroScience CNS Centre - Integrating Clinical and Basic Research

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